Thursday, May 29, 2008

Not my summer vacation...

I'm off to tribal lands tomorrow, to look at a proposed small ag dam rebuild location. Then I'm off to an unnamed location in NM, to make home decisions with my significant other. Then back home, a week of work, then it's off again to give two talks and do some field work on the way. The rest of the summer runs somewhat similar. In between all the travel, I need to organize my both my home and work belongings enough to be able to be schlepped to the above-mentioned unnamed location at the end of summer. And amongst, all of that, I need to take care of child, make child school decisions, regular work, home, meals, bills, and dog. phew. When's that lottery ticket gonna win?

1 comment:

Silver Fox said...

It sounds like you have a very busy summer ahead of you. With all of that - 'how we gonna get any blogging done?' [Dylan - All the Tired Horses in the Sun.]

I don't know about the lottery! I'll be rooting for you on that one.